¿Le preocupan los nuevos precios de la energía? ¡Haga del aumento de tarifas de gas y electricidad una oportunidad! Las empresas que utilizan de forma eficiente la energía usan menos recursos para lograr las mismas metas, reduciendo costos y preservando la naturaleza. ¿El resultado? Ganan competitividad sobre todas las demás. Nosotros lo podemos ayudar a lograrlo con nuestras charlas, conferencias, cursos y seminarios sobre eficiencia energética. Esperamos su consulta: jandreotti@fibertel.com.ar.

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Wind turbines installations in Germany

New wind turbines installations in Germany grew some 26 percent in the first half of the year (2012)

New wind power installations in Germany grew some 26 percent in the first half of the year, faster than in previous years despite delays in building offshore wind turbines, industry groups said on Wednesday.
The BWE wind power group and VDMA Power Systems turbine makers group said Germany had added 1,004 megawatts (MW) of installed wind farm capacity in the first six months of the year. They expect that to rise to 2,400 MW by the end of the year – equivalent to the output of two nuclear power stations.- Continue reading....

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