¿Le preocupan los nuevos precios de la energía? ¡Haga del aumento de tarifas de gas y electricidad una oportunidad! Las empresas que utilizan de forma eficiente la energía usan menos recursos para lograr las mismas metas, reduciendo costos y preservando la naturaleza. ¿El resultado? Ganan competitividad sobre todas las demás. Nosotros lo podemos ayudar a lograrlo con nuestras charlas, conferencias, cursos y seminarios sobre eficiencia energética. Esperamos su consulta: jandreotti@fibertel.com.ar.

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

Rwanda : Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy mark new era in Rwanda


The government is also committed to increase various forms of renewable energy including solar, wind, biomass and hydro sources by 50 percent by 2020.
In an attempt to improve access to modern energy services, the Rwandan authorities are looking to exploit geothermal power associated with solar energy plants in a move to promote a sustainable energy for all.

Solange Nyiramajyambere, a female farmer from Nyabihu, a district in the north western Rwanda explained that when the first solar electricity system was installed in some households in this remote village, it turned out to be something she had never seen before in her village. “My house, and most of the village, has always been plunged into darkness during night,” she told Xinhua.
The story of Nyiramajyambere who has never seen electricity before, is one illustration of how all villages in the remote rural areas across Rwanda are trying to use renewable energy to electrify their homes.- more....

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