¿Le preocupan los nuevos precios de la energía? ¡Haga del aumento de tarifas de gas y electricidad una oportunidad! Las empresas que utilizan de forma eficiente la energía usan menos recursos para lograr las mismas metas, reduciendo costos y preservando la naturaleza. ¿El resultado? Ganan competitividad sobre todas las demás. Nosotros lo podemos ayudar a lograrlo con nuestras charlas, conferencias, cursos y seminarios sobre eficiencia energética. Esperamos su consulta: jandreotti@fibertel.com.ar.

martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

Vertical axis wind turbines (REVE)

Offshore wind energy: vertical axis wind turbines

July 31, 2012   


Sandia National Laboratories’ wind energy researchers are re-evaluating vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) to help solve some of the problems of generating energy from offshore breezes.
Though VAWTs have been around since the earliest days of wind energy research at Sandia and elsewhere, VAWT architecture could transform offshore wind technology.
The economics of offshore windpower are different from land-based turbines, due to installation and operational challenges. VAWTs offer three big advantages that could reduce the cost of wind energy: a lower turbine center of gravity; reduced machine complexity; and better scalability to very large sizes.
A lower center of gravity means improved stability afloat and lower gravitational fatigue loads.
Additionally, the drivetrain on a VAWT is at or near the surface, potentially making maintenance easier and less time-consuming. Fewer parts, lower fatigue loads and simpler maintenance all lead to reduced maintenance costs.- Learn more...

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